Monday, February 07, 2005
Prediction 05-1 Update
For what it's worth, I honestly didn't hear about this until after I made my prediction:
On the Democratic side, two candidates have said they intend to seek Frist's seat - U.S. Rep. Harold Ford Jr. of Memphis and state Sen. Rosalind Kurita of Clarksville. - Knoxville News SentinelOK, I always thought this was the easy part to predict. My feeling, though, is not universal, as illustrated by Bill Hobbs' recent cite of state Sen. Jim Bryson saying:
"Personally, I dont expect Harold Ford to run. He is a rising star in Congress with a bright future ahead of him. It would be difficult for him to win a statewide race against a solid Republican and, therefore, the race is too big a risk. Look for him to milk the publicity right up to the end then pull out."I still say, though, Jr. will grab that third rail and ride it for what it's worth. Social Security reform will happen this term, it's just a matter of if a Democrat will try and get any political mileage out of it or if they will all go down swinging.